
May 01, 2007

Batthouse Numbers

I recorded this video on my last birthday, February 14th, 2007, but just got around to uploading it tonight at 4:32 am. I feel about 3 months behind with projects. Actually I feel about 10 years behind on projects but that's another blog topic. The bottom line is I've taken longer settling in here than I anticipated. I actually came to Oceanside to work; write, shoot, edit, etc. The only distractions here are all the hot military men that keep coming over on their lunch hours, but I'm off topic, again. Anyway, this is a part of a bunch of ramblings I did on my birthday. It's not very flattering but most of my blog isn't very flattering, but..oh well. A wise man once said, "We can't airbrush our lives."

1 comment:

carolyn said...

from afar... yes, i know what you mean... why do people get so obsessive... and how do some people have the energy to indulge that??