
May 13, 2007

Another Mother's Day

This is the second Mother's Day I've experienced since the death of my mother a year and half ago. Whenever, I meet people older than me and their Mom is still alive, I get a little envious. But then I think about all the kids who have grown up without a Mom and I realize how lucky I was to get 37 great years. I'm also grateful for all the dreams I have starring my Mom. A part of me died with my mother and I'm extremely angry that a loving woman who never drank or smoke was stricken with cancer but I'm also grateful that I got such a perfect Mom. Things could have turned out better, but they also could have turned out a lot worse. So today, I'm mourning my Mom and celebrating her. I made this video for her funeral but it feels appropriate to post again, today. Happy Mother's Day, everyone! I miss you, Mom.

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