
May 23, 2007

Diet and Excercise

I've lost about 30 pounds over the last 8 weeks; this morning I weighed 289.02. I started at around 320 so I guess I'm doing something right. It shocks me how simple it really is: diet and exercise. I know those are the oldest words in the fitness dictionary but it's true. I try to hit the gym at least every other day and/or do something physical like bike riding. I'm gonna keep a tally on my blog so ya'll can watch me lose or gain weight. Today begins at 289.02. I took a camera phone pic when I hit 290. I'll keep adding pics of my scale to prove I'm really losing weight...or NOT!

Thanks to Miss Horwitz for inspiring me to join the gym and thanks to Mr. Manghise for teaching me how to read nutrition labels and for introducing me to these cool things called vegetables.

I made a little video about the whole fat thing, if you're interested, click below.


Michelle said...

You go girl! I've been on the diet thing lately but I've yet to do the exercise yet. And I wish there were a Del Taco around here.

Anonymous said...


Weight loss = 90% proper diet, 10% exercise.

Sugar or concentrated sugar forms are "addictive" in that they leave you craving more sugar and all the heavy calories that come with it. Ban all food and drinks containing concentrated sugar of any kind in your diet and you'll slim down.

Filling up on low-calorie foods is the best way to ward off hunger and force your body to burn your own fat. Vegetables and fruit take up a lot of space in your stomach but contain just a fraction of the calories other food groups have. So always have baby carrots, celery, apples, saldas and/or "vegetable medleys" as snacks instead of junk food.

Part of the reason "low-carb" diets work is because like vegetables, meat has many fewer calories than bread products that take up the same amount of space in your stomach.

Fill up on vegetables and meat, trick your stomach into thinking you're full and your body will take the extra calories it needs from your own fat!

Cheryl C said...

eat more jello. :o) I do. think that's why I'm dropping weight as well or, perhaps it due to all the walking I do instead? wish I had a little pony.
ps. VERY impressive on the weight loss!!!