
May 07, 2007

Sexy George Tenet

I've enjoyed watching angry George Tenet all week on the talk show circuit. I think there's something sexy about him. I would blow him, for sure. He's very masculine. Anger is sexy on some people. And I believe him. I like listening to him. I'm sorry but I do. Condi on the other hand, ugh, I never believe a damn word out of her mouth. I wish she she would just go away. Maybe she could join Rumsfield for a nice long vacation. I'm sure my brother could convince me that Tenet is the anti-Christ. lol


Jay Larsen said...

I would have to believe in a pro-christ to believe in an anti-christ.
George Tenent is just a liar and a coward.

carolyn said...

he's supposed to be on Jon Stewart tonight. that should be amusing.