
May 09, 2007

Larry Birkhead vs Liviu Librescu

Larry Birkhead and Liviu Librescu. Do you know these names? Which one do you know? Do you know both or just one. How much do you know about Larry Birkhead? How much do you know about Liviu Librescu.

I felt sick to my stomach today when I realized the Virginia Tech Massacre got about a week of national attention while the Anna Nicole Smith saga riveted our national attention for months. Larry Birkhead is a household name and Liviu Librescu is, well, I'd never even heard his name til I looked it up 5 minutes ago. He's the holocaust survivor who was gunned down while protecting his students at Virginia Tech. He escaped a psycho in Germany only to be gunned down by a psycho in America.

Librescu should be a household name, renowned for heroism in the face of tragedy. He should be hailed for the great things he did with his life. Little kids should grow up wanting to be just like him. Woman should aspire to marry a guy like him. Men should want to be him. To be Librescuesque should mean to be heroic. None of us knew the name Larry Birkhead until the media decided we should know it. If they wanted to, the media could turn Librescu into a household name. But I doubt they want to.

Click here to read about the inspiring life of Liviu Librescu


Anonymous said...

This world is full of wrong doings, and not ONLY against Jews, who somehow think they are the ONLY ONES that need to be felt sorry for.

Ronnie Larsen said...

Wow. I had no idea Mel Gibson was reading my blog. Awesome!