
April 15, 2007

Courtney Love(s) Typos

You think I can't spell??? You think I have typo problems??? Holy cow! I just found this link to a blog Courtney Love wrote regarding her recent weight loss:

"I know spmeone who troed to get that shit and no dr would give it to her an dhse was pudgier than i was, its total utter shite, i lost weightthe hard way and people cant accept it,whwnever ANYONE loses weight by determintaion and grit fast its suspect i got muyinspirationf rom Oprah losing so much weight on Slim Fast,. thats how i did it, thio sis nonsesne my breath is great and i dont ?vomit inot a towel? it sjust cynical crazy bullshit,"

Now those are some serious typos!

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