
November 01, 2007

That Darn Cat!

Ronnie: Why do you hiss at me?

Cat: I want food.

Ronnie: You could be nice.

Cat: I hiss, you give me food. It's been working fine for over a year.

Ronnie: I need more. I want to touch you. I need you to touch me.

Cat: Well that's not what I want.

Ronnie: Then buy your own food.

Cat: Don't be a hater.

Ronnie: The other cats let me pet 'em!

Cat: They're basically sluts.

Ronnie: They love me.

Cat: They don't love you, they use you! You should hear what they say about you behind your back.

Ronnie: What do they say?

Cat: They call you faggot.

Ronnie: No they don't.

Cat: Fine, they don't.

Ronnie: Which one calls me faggot? The black one?

Cat: All of them. They all say, "Let's go to the faggots house for free food."

Ronnie: I don't believe you.

Cat: A true friend is one who tells you the truth, whether it's pretty or not!

Ronnie: Are you a cat or a fortune cookie?

Cat: I'm a little of both. That is my gift and my curse.

Ronnie: What the fuck does that mean?


Michelle said...

I think you should do some bad photoshop cartoons to go along with these "interviews."

e.g. :

Anonymous said...
