
November 02, 2007

The Thing About Cake

Person: Why did you put this cake pic on your blog? It's very Marie Antoinette!

Ronnie: I meant to e-mail it to my gmail account but I sent to my blog instead but since I did send it to my blog I'd like to explain. I met a lady at a neighborhood BBQ. We talked for 10 minutes maybe. Very nice person. The next day, she knocks on the door and delivers this piece of cake to me! She barely knows me. And stuff like this happens to me in Oceanside all the time. I come home and there's a case of diet coke on my porch or my neighbor takes my car keys to move my car to avoid street-sweeping tickets. These kinds of things never happened to me in LA in NY. No neighbor ever knocked on my door to remind me to move my car. I never came home to gifts on my porch. It's all very interesting. At least to me.


Unknown said...

don't do it!!!! well, at least share it. with 3 other people...

Michelle said...

Is that a 4 layer chocolate cake?? Gimme a piece!