
October 01, 2005

News: Trouble in Phoenix

The production of Making Porn continues in Phoenix, Arizona even though on Sunday the cops were called in. It was all sooooo silly. Joe Marshall, who runs the theatre, has this psycho (allegedly, LOL) assistant producer who had gone AWOL from the production and then resurfaced suddenly when it came time to cut checks. He tried to pull a fast one dealing with a contractual issue and he get caught in some obvious lies so I decide I will only deal with him if the conversation is recorded...

So I whip out my laptop and start recording and he tells me I'm breaking the law. He says if I don't stop he will call the cops and have me arrested. Oy vey! Now I personally love cops and think they are very hot so I encouraged him to do it. I knew I was in my right to record him but who can turn down a little time in the back of squad car. Not me! So he calls the cops and guess what happens...NOTHING. They show up, looking so hot and they tell me I can record them if I want. I love cops. In fact COPS is one of my favorite tv shows.

Meanwhile the clock is ticking away and the audience is arriving...such drama...if you want to hear more check the live audio in a few days...I might do a little podcast about it. It was all very insane. I believe this was the third time I've had the cops called to a production. But I've never been arrested...YET! LOL

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