
October 24, 2005

Domino Suuuuuuuuuucked!

Tony Scott is one of our three worst film directors. The other two are, of course, Rob Cohen (Stealth, Fast and the Furious) and Paul W.S. Anderson (Aliens vs. Predator) The sad thing about Scott is that he's actuallly made a few movies I've enjoyed, (Spy Game, Crimson Tide) but I fear he's lost his mind.

I just suffered through the first 20 minutes of Domino. Granted, I did drop my entire bag of popcorn all over the floor during the first 5 minutes and granted, the goth-cunt next to me kept text-messaging someone, which was totally distracting and I hope she lives the rest of her days in total misery but still...the movie sucked so bad!

There is the whole thing Scott is addicted to: random lines of dialogue repeating, the camera never still, yellow and green saturated colors, blurry images. I'm sure he thinks it's cool or hip or clever but it's not. It's mental retardation on film. It's directorial autism.

I almost left during the first 5 minutes of Man on Fire due to this bullshit technique he's addicted to but I suffered through it and the movie did seem to calm down about 30 minutes in but Domino showed no sign of let up so I trucked my fat ass outta there and asked for a refund.

Now I don't normally ask for refunds, my attitude is, "You buy the ticket, you sign up for the ride and if you don't like it, oh well. No one promised you it was gonna be good." But the super-combo of the spilled popcorn and the goth-cunt made me feel entitled.

Domino is a disaster at the box-office and I couldn't be happier. Hopefully now Scott we'll see that he's traveled down the wrong road and get some serious help. Maybe his brother, Ridley Scott, can perform an intervention.

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