
October 14, 2005

Into the Blue

If you like sharks, violence, and nearly naked people as much I do then you'll love it, too. Every scene either has a shot of a sexy body or a sexy shark. I was in heaven. And yes the sharks give more natural and sympathetic performances than Jessica Alba or Paul Walker but who gives a fuck?

And lets give credit to the cinematographer, much of the underwater photography is truly beautiful.

Go see this movie, Bro. That's what everyone in the movie calls each other, "Bro." "Hey Bro." "Wassup Bro? "Look at that shark, Bro." I kept wondering if the screenwriter wote Bro in to the script or if the actors just kept adding it themselves.

Actor: "Bro, can my character say "Bro" before each line?
Screenwriter: Well, actually...
Director: Sure, Paul, whatever you want.
Actor: Thanks, Bro.

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