
October 04, 2005

Big Black Widows

Dear God,
Why did you put black widows on the planet? I don't understand. I hate waterbugs more than anything in the world but at least they can't kill me. But black widows can be lethal. I was staying at my ex-boyfriends condo in Palm Springs and we saw two right out in the open. Ed killed them for me and we happily watched them die but now I'm worried I have bad-black-widow-kharma and they will come after me in my sleep. Did I kill one of your creatures or are black widows really insects from hell? Please send a deadly black widow plague to the world and wipe them out or at least let them become an endangered species like the panda. I'm going back to Palm Springs on Sunday so if they are all gone by then that would be frigging awesome.
PS Do you exist?

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