
February 27, 2007

"Stormy Weather" this morning at the beach.

Someone wrote this reply to my video on metacafe:

y que pedo???
a que hora le cae el rayo al marrano?


but my computer translated it as this:

and that pedo? to that hour falls the ray to him to the pig?


Do any of you speak better Spanish than my ibook? Please translate. I know he thinks I'm a pig but what else is saying???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I only had 2 years of university Spanish, but it looks like a really nasty, Hispanic poster thinks you're a "pig" / marrano and was lodging epithets at you.

"y que pedo???"

y = and
que = what or that

But "pedo" means "fart" or "drunkenness" as a noun. Maybe "pedo" is a misspelled verb, because there are no verbs in his sentence as should be.

"Puedo" is a very common Spanish verb meaning "I can."

So "y que puedo???" could mean "And what can I?" or "what can I do?" although truly, "what can I do" would be "que puedo hacer?"

Either way, "y que pedo???" is an incomplete or improper sentence. It looks like he means "And that fart???"

"a que hora le cae el rayo al marrano?" means "When does the raybeam fall to the pig?"

"raybeam" meaning "microwave beam," as in the video.

("a que hora" literally means "at what hour," the interrogative form of "when" that Spanish-speaking people prefer).

So, it looks to me like the poster was saying:

"and that fart???

when does the microwavebeam fall to the pig?"

He think's you're a fart and pork that should be roasted in the microwave like the Jell-O.

Nice guy. I'm sorry the world is full of haters.

You know you're special and talented; that you actually belong to the human species, so pay no mind to El Vindictivo.
