
February 02, 2007

The Queen

As the credits rolled I uttered the word, "tight". Tight screenplay, tight acting, tight direction. I'll go out on a limb and say this was a perfect movie. Not my favorite movie of all time or even of the year, but still, a flawless movie. I was nervous seeing this film after hearing all the hype but no one really explained what the movie is. I felt like I was watching a documentary the entire time. Acting teachers often talk about "the art of being" as opposed to performing. I rarely see that in actors. I'm always aware of the performance, even in great performances, but I honestly felt I was watching Queen Elizabeth in a besides-the-scene-documentary. I was surprised that I wept during the funeral scenes because I wasn't really a Diana fan". I didn't like her or dislike her. She just never really affected me either way sooooo... And my favorite line was when The Queen warns Tony Blair, and I paraphrase, "they will turn on you, too, overnight". After the screening, I came home, clicked on The Drudge Report and read that Tony Blair and his party are collapsing under a scandal about money. Very ironic as Miss Morrisette would say.

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