
November 17, 2006

Mac Addict

I had a nightmare last night that I dropped my laptop. I woke up in a panic. I kept falling back asleep and kept trying to put it back together but it wouldn't hold. It keeping breaking into two pieces. This was a true nightmare. Finally, after a few hours I woke up and slowly realized the nightmare was taking place in a location other than my Oceanside shack so it must not be reality since I've been in Oceanside for the last month. I got out of bed, went to the laptop and there it was, all in one piece. "Oh thank God."

I can think of nothing else that I own that is as important to my life as my computer. Not my phone. Not my car. It has become my third arm, my second brain, my close friend. I'm trying to get to a place where everything on my computer is web-based and/or backed up on the web but I'm not there yet. I'm very good about backing up so if I lost my laptop I wouldn't lose much data but still, the thought of having to start over in a new relationship with a new machine is somethIng I hope I can put off for at least another year or two.

I love you, Mac, and I hope we will always be together.

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