
October 28, 2006

Saw 3

Half of Saw 3 is spent on a "shocking medical procedure", shocking of course for anyone who has never turned on The Learning Channel. What does it say about the state of movie-going that the makers of Jackass 2 illicit more audience response by attaching a leech to a guys eye than the makers of Saw 3 can by dismembering entire bodies. At Jackass the audience howled and screamed and at Saw 3 they observed.

More and more these days I find myself observing at the movies as opposed to engaging or escaping. I long to escape, to lose myself but more often than not I find myself just sitting there and watching.

Saw 3 wasn't some horrible piece of shit but it scares me that I can sit thru two hours of torture and not feel anything but slightly intrigued. Saw 3 is intriguing, slightly, but is that good enough?

I was completely involved this year by Project Runway, I was invested in those lives but then I go to most movies and I don't really care. I remember how sad I felt after the first screening of Brokeback Mountain, I left the theatre feeling that I had spent two painful hours with a real man named Ennis Del Mar. Is it too much to ask for filmmakers to master the art of engagement the same way they master the art of sound and light.

Next time somene makes a horror movie they should study Jackass first because if a horror movie doesn't horrify, then really, why bother?

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