
October 06, 2006

FFF (fun with alliteration)

"Foley the fag from Florida."

I'm not sure why but when I heard these words uttered on Fox News two nights ago, it stung.

I was shocked not by the words but my reaction to them. Why did it bother me so much? I never take homophobic comments personally, in fact, I often find them intriguing in what they reveal about the person uttering them. But these "pages" are supposedly highly intelligent, articulate, head-of-their-class, bright young people.

It got me thinking about my own offensive catch-phrases I could use sometime.

"Ronnie the rotund from Roanoke."

"Caryn the cunt from Kentucky."

"Billy the bitch from Biscayne."

"Careless Carolyn from Maryland."

Isn't this fun?

Not really.

Make your own and leave them in the comment box.

Have a good Friday from...

Ronnie: Your friend, the fat fag from Fantasyland.

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