
July 27, 2006

My Childhood Nightmares

There was a scene in a movie I have never forgotten. In the scene a woman tries to escape by crawling thru a tiny, narrow, open window. She jumps thru, only to land in a gigantic entanglement of wires. I remember this scene vividly from my childhood. It horrified me every time I saw it and I saw it alot.

My neighbors had "The Movie Channel", a pay channel that showed "bad" movies that we weren't allowed to watch at home. We had cable (MTV), but The Movie Channel was too racy for our Mormon household so I would go to the white-trash neighbors house and watch movies over and over.

Only 3 movies have stuck with me:

Brian De Palmas, "The Phantom of the Paradise." There was a horrifying scene where a guy in a bird mask puts a plunger on someones face. I never understood what this movie was about and it was like nothing I had ever seen before. It really creeped me out. I don't remember a story, just images.

Jaws 2 with the great tagline, "Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water." I saw it so many times that when I watch it today I feel like I'm seeing old friends my neighborhood. And Just for the record, I still don't think it's safe to go back in the water.

And then there is this movie with the scene of the lady in the barbwire. I had no idea what movie it was from. I've thought of this scene often and always wondered what it's from.

So, this week I recieve a movie from Netflix. I'm watching it out of the corner of my eye on my computer and then all of a sudden that scene begins and I was filled with joy as another one of lifes great mysteries is solved. The movie is Suspiria. Have you ever seen it?

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