
July 16, 2006

I Survived!

I went swimming in the ocean today and once again I'm happy to report I was not eaten by a shark. I wish I could swim in the ocean and not think about sharks the whole time. I firmly believe Jaws is the most powerful movie of all time because no other movie impacted the global psyche in such an intense way. I believe more people think and talk about this movie everyday more than any other movie. It is always with us. I remember seeing it for the first time. I kept looking down in my bag of candy whenever the scary theme music played. I've never shaken that terror. It is the scariest movie of all time, with the simplest most memorable theme music and the best movie poster ever. It is the greatest movie of all time. To this day, I am convinced that I will be eaten by a shark everytime I enter the ocean. Today, was not that day, thank God! But there's always next time.

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