
April 29, 2006

The Three Burials.../V for Vendetta/Final Destination 3/Hills Have Eyes

The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada

This movie makes me sad. Not because the movie is sad but because i don't think very many people saw it. It was the directoria debut of Tommy Lee Jones and he also played the lead. The story concerns a border agent who wrongly kills a mexican man and Tommy Lee Jones plays the friend of the murdered man and he kidnaps the agent and forces him to give the dead man a proper burial. Does that make sense? You gotta see it for yourself. It's hard to explain.

Anyway, I really liked it. it sort of reminded me of those Spaghetti westerns but it actually defies comparison. It's a completely complicated, original and interesting movie. It's funny and heart-breaking and inspiring. Tommy Lee Jones plays a complex man with a firce sense of right and wrong and Barry Pepper plays a border agent with no morality or respect for others and they go on this road trip together.

In one particulsarly unique scene the meet an old blind man with nothing to live for. His son has abandoned him. He begs Tommy Lee Jones to kill him. "Shoot me, please." It's very hard to describe this movie but it's certainly one of the best films I've seen in recent memory. I still think about it often.

V for Vendetta

I can't discuss this movie because I fell asleep and everytime I woke up Natalie Portman was still in prison. It seemed 4 hours long. I'm not blaming the movie. I had been up for 24 hours. (No I'm not on speed!) But anyway, my friend Carolyn Anhalt loved it. She saw it three times, so, there you have it. Maybe I'll get back it to someday.

Final Destination 3

I saw this movie waaaay back in December but I remember it vividly. Creative deaths in suntanning booths, hardware stores and gyms. I love these movies. I love picturing the writers sitting around a table trying to figure out how to creatively kill people. It never jelled as a whole the way Final Destination 2 did but who cares! These Final Destination movies deliver. Audiences gasp and jump out of their seats and laugh hysterically. That's Entertainment!

Interesting note: I went to see Final Destination 2, with my great friend, Joseph Manghise, instead of going to the opening night and party for my play Sleeping With Straight Men, off-Broadway and let me tell you, that movie gave me more pleasure than the entire run of that nightmare off-Broadway experience.

So I always think of The Final Destination Series as a gift because the second one offered me escape from the real-life horror movie I was living at the time, in New York, Off-Broadway, at the dreadful fucking Maverick Theater. To read all about it go here: Sleeping With Straight Men Off-Broadway

The Hills Have Eyes

It was fine. It was good. It was a while ago I saw it. I liked it better than the other horror remakes we've seen recently (Chainsaw Massacre/When A Stranger Calls/Psycho). I took my 14 year old niece. LOL. Am I going to hell for that? A family gets lost on an RV trip and nuclear-fallout-freaks living in the hills come after them. The All-American Dad" is played by the guy who played the serial killer in The Silence of the Lambs. That's trivia for you kids. Anyway, there are some good, gruesome, gross shocks but it's fading from memory even as I write this.

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