
April 13, 2006

Exhausting San Diego

Just got back from a whirlwind trip thru San Diego. Went with my Dad, niece and ex-wife (lol), Caryn Horwitz to Sea World and the San Diego Zoo and I am fucking exhausted. I must've walked 20 miles over two days.

I've been accused by my friend, Peewit, of whining too much in my blog but fuck it, I'm exhausted! After that vacation, I'm ready for a vacation.

Actually it was a lot of fun, especially feeding the dolphins, but theme parks are fascinating places indeed. They really do let anyone in these days.

I could blog about the great unwashed masses, the cruelty of animals in cages, the overpriced food and Americas growing obesity problem but instead and I'll just post the pics and you can write your own story.

Click here to see all the pics.

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