
April 06, 2006

"Hi, Ronnie!"

I had a very intense dream last night.

We, the family, were throwing a big party. We were all rushing around doing stuff and comments were made about how much better it would be if Mom were here to help us and tell us what to do.

I was outside doing something and I walked in and there was Mom, sitting in the chair, smiling, looking healthier than ever. She was sitting up. She didn't look weak or troubled at all. She looked beautiful and her hair was done. She was in a bathrobe.

The way she was sitting was especially striking because it was clear she was supporting her own weight and had no physical ailments.

Upon seeing her I burst into tears, uncontrollable weeping, and she just looked at me as if to say, "it's ok". I was weeping so hard I couldn't speak so I motioned to her that I needed to go outside and
compose myself. I did. Then I returned to the house.

I was clearly confused and I asked her what was happening and she said it's a long story but she would tell me everything if I wanted. She had been exhumed for some reason and when they opened the coffin she was fine. I gathered that the process of cleaning her up was messy but that now she was fine and would live a long healthy life.

As she started to explain, I said, "Wait, let me record this, no one will believe it otherwise."

I grabbed my bag with my recording equipment and I started to put together the microphone and then in that moment I woke up.

Upon realizing it was only a dream I was stunned, saddened, confused but also grateful because I got to hear her voice again and I will never forget the way she said, "Hi, Ronnie!" Her voice was so full of love just like it always was but it was also free of pain. She was so strong.

As I woke up and was struck with reality I began to cry and then went into the living room and looked at her picures.

I hope that she haunts my dreams, forever.

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