
April 23, 2006

Keep On Blogging

What a strange week last week was. I felt incredibly busy, but I'm not sure what I spent the week doing. I was too busy to blog but now that I'm blogging I can't remember what I did.

I went to Wal-Mart on Crenshaw.
I went to the LA Philharmonic.
I saw a shitty horror movie (Silent Hill) and a mediocre action pic (The Sentinel)
I installed some lights for a friend in her apt.
I ate at Panda Express
I watched three Charlie Chaplin classics. (More about that later)

This is the worst kind of blog. I hate blogs where people just recite what they did but the point is not what I did, it's that I can't remember what I did which is why I need to blog more. Memory is so fleeting. The week after my mother died I could not remember her telling me that she loved me. We constantly told each other how much we loved each other but after she was no longer here I couldn't think of a specific moment in which she said the words, "I love you". And I swear to you she said it every time I saw her! Every time!

After the funeral my Dad sent me a note telling me that the video tribute I made about my mother was a wonderful gift to him and that he will be forever indebted to me for making it. I have it in writing.

So keep writing things down, that's my new mantra. Keep documenting. Document your life.

I beg my friends to blog.

I feel closer to my brother now more than ever cause I get to read his blog. His fears, his poems, his rage, his sarcasm, his politics, his sincere desire to improve the world; his blog is him and every time I read it I feel like I'm in the room with him.

My ex-stage manager, Michelle Guzman, a quiet woman in person, has one of the angriest, wittiest, bitchiest blogs I've ever read. Sides of her are revealed to me I would never have seen if not for her blog. Blog more Michelle.

So I have a lot to blog about and hopefully this week my blog will not be static. Hopefully.

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