
April 25, 2006

Thank You For Smoking

I wish I could write something as intelligent, witty, smooth, smart, biting, funny and angry as Thank You For Smoking.

I wish I could direct a movie as colorful, creative, thoughtful and well-paced as Thank You For Smoking.

I wish I could design opening credits as original as the brilliant credits for Thank You Smoking.

I wish I could act in a movie with universally great parts that are all intelligently and complex as the characters in Thank You For Smoking.

The thing about this perfect movie is how effortless it all feels. I know it's hard to make perfect movies because so few are made. Most movies are mediocre at best. I love movies but there's no denying the crap ratio.

But then a perfect movie like this comes along and knocks me on my ass because they make it all seem so easy and I know damn well it aint.

Dear Hollywood, Thank you for Thank You For Not Smoking.

To read reviews go here: Reviews

To see the trailer go here: Trailer

1 comment:

Jay Larsen said...

The search for the perfect movie is a lot like the search for the perfect rock album, elusive, sometimes frustrating, yet we are always hopeful that the next one will be that magical gem.

Some movies (and albums) make for great first time experiences, but aren't as satisfiying when watched (listened to) again. Some get better each time you revisit them. Some were perfect during an earlier phase of our lives, but now they seem dated or we have out grown them.

Ah, but I love the hunt and the hope and the occational blissfull viewing (listening) experience.