
August 09, 2008

Color Me Wal-Mart

I just bought some lip gloss in Wal-Mart. The checkout lady says, "I
bet this color looks great on you". I replied, "actually, it does."
She probably thought I was kidding until she rung up the size 4
pantyhose and the fleet enemas. See it's not what people buy that
tells the story, it's the combination of items. Once I bought tons of
junk food for a party. The checker said, "looks like somebodies having
a party." Then I dropped the four boxes of condoms on the conveyor
belt and he saw them and said, "hmmm, what kind of party is this?" I
said, "It's fun. Wanna come?" I could tell he wanted to but I wasn't
sure exactly how to give him directions to an orgy while there's 10
people waiting behind me in line.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Great stories ...