
November 07, 2008

Protesting Yes on 8 (hate)

I'm shopping for my protest sign for tonights March to City Hall in
San Diego. I'll show you when it's done!

I can't believe I've spent my whole life defending my Mormon
relatives! I sincerely hope they lose their tax excempt status! Fuck
those bigots! I would never have supported a proposition limiting the
rights of Mormons, or any group. I voted for Obama, yet 70% of black
voters voted yes on 8. This is seriously disturbing. The rage is
building. This may the beggining of something big!

It is no longer acceptable for gays to be treated as second class
citizens. My dad has a gay son, ME, and his new cunt-wife that I can't
stand has a lesbian daughter yet they both supported Yes on 8. And I
went to their fucking Mormon wedding and supported them! The more I
think about it the angrier I get! Disgusting.

I was so focused on Obama for the last 6 months, I ignore prop 8.
What an idiot I was. It's only sinking in now the enormity of what
happened. The courts gave us rights and the people took them away!

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