
November 04, 2008

It feels like Christmas morning!

I'm up now waiting for the polls to open at 7! I'll be there at 6. Voting for Obama and No on 8 while all of my Mormon relatives are voting for McCain and yes on 8. It's degrading to think that millions of people (including many of my friends and relatives) are voting over my basic rights. I keep imagining a ballot initiative about whether or not Christians should be allowed to marry. How would they feel? And of course I would vote yes. 

PS After the voting I'm heading to a little "erection day" orgy in Hemet, California. What an interesting day this will be! 


carolyn said...

And don't forget to vote NO on 4!

Jay Larsen said...

It is a shame Prop-8 looks like it will pass. It is very ironic that a group that believes in alternative marriages, like the Mormons do, would fight so hard to take that away from other groups.

Maybe President Obama can help us change things at the federal level?

President Obama, I like saying that.

Love Ya.