
October 30, 2007

Sick Pumpkin

There's a sick pumpkin on my porch courtesy of my fabulous neighbor!

Note: Speaking of sick, I just realized that the word pumpkin is an
synonym for incest. Isn't a synonym two words that mean the same thing?

Addendum: I blogged this from my phone and stupidly mistook an antonym for a synonym. But earlier I wrote "anonym". I have now fixed it. I meant synonym. My brilliant-genius ex-girlfriend, Carolyn, corrected me in the comment section so, thanks to her comment, we are all reminded of the differences between synonyms and antonyms. Thank you, Miss Anhalt!

synonym |ˈsinəˌnim| noun a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language, for example shut is a synonym of close.

antonym |ˈantəˌnim| noun Linguistics a word opposite in meaning to another (e.g., bad and good).

1 comment:

carolyn said...

what??? anonym means pseudonym. pumpkin is slang for incestuous person?? hmmmm.