
October 12, 2007

The Heartbreak Kid

I was desperate to see a film last week. I thought seeing this would be like watching a car accident but it wasn't that painful. I actually liked much of it and found the concept intriguing. It's a pretty dark picture about human nature and how the more you find out about a person the less you like them. I guess it resonated with me because I've experienced that so often in my own life. I love strangers! After that, it's all downhill. I'm sort of half-joking but not really. I get bored easily. I lose interest. It use to happen with actors all the time. I would cast an actor in a play, I'd think he was great, I was all excited, two weeks later not so much. Opening night I'm frustrated with his inability to remember his lines and by closing night I'm hoping to never see him again. And that was my pattern...over and over and over. That's a major reason for my current withdrawal, I just got so tired of reliving the same experiences over and over again. So, yes, The Heartbreak Kid spoke to me on some primal level, even though it's not a good movie. There are problems with the Ben Stiller character that are too boring to discuss. He doesn't really deal with people with very well and both the actresses he gets involved are very good and extremely likable so it doesn't really work because even though Stiller marries a crazy woman I still felt for her on some level and Stiller I rarely care for. But the premise is interesting and no I've never seen the original. And I can't believe I just wrote a whole paragraph about The Heartbreak Kid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Worst. Farrelly Brothers movie. Ever.

That's not to say it didn't have a couple of funny moments, but Stiller's main character is unsympathetic.

This movie seems to rub people the wrong way.