
July 09, 2007


I'm tired of talking about whether movies are good or bad, I'm more interested in how they make me feel. While watching Die Hard I felt exhilarated, excited and involved; while watching Transformers I felt nothing. I felt numb. I didn't care. I wasn't amused. I wasn't involved. Did I hate it? No. Was it bad? I don't think so. I like Michael Bay, I do. I love The Rock, I think it's a perfect action movie. And I really like The Island though I think I'm the only one. (I actually saw it twice.) But Transformers did nothing for me either way, good or bad. It just didn't effect me. I could be cynical and say it was a dumb idea to make a movie about a toy but Toy Story 1 and 2 were thoroughly enjoyable films. So I know it's possible to make an entertaining film about ANYTHING and even robots have moved before; AI was a very lovely film. So where did Transformers go wrong? The only thing in the film that really excited me was the Bee-otch air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror of one of the cars. I still laugh when I think about it. Bee-otch. LOL Hopefully, that doesn't turn out to be the funniest moment of my summer movie-going experience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


TRANSFORMERS should have been much cooler than it was. I wanted it to be — I was a fan of the toys when I was a kid and I'm still a fan of the 1986 animated movie.

But Michael Bay's TRANSFORMERS is just another overcrowded, overbloated summer blockbuster.

It should have been way scarier — like THE TERMINATOR, MATRIX or even INDEPENDENCE DAY.

There is no blood, no humans die and when the ONE Autobot dies you don't care. It simply didn't feel threatening, much less confined to a simple plot.

You're quite right about LIVE FREE/DIE HARD — it's the only example of a tight, focused, suspenseful and satisfying action movie this summer.

BTW I liked THE ISLAND, too. I think it's Michael Bay's best film. And we're not alone because the nation of Korea went crazy for THE ISLAND — something like $20 million.