
July 13, 2007


I saw Sicko last week but I've been too busy to write about it which is really bad on my part because it's the most important, disturbing, heartbreaking, enlightening, and challenging film I've seen this year. It's scarier than any horror film and more serious than any drama. It's also the funniest film this year after Knocked Up. This film should be required viewing for all Americans. Even if you disagree with much of the film and there's much to be questioned in this film it's still a might important movie. Please go see it. Even if you hate Michael Moore, go see it. It's not about Michael Moore, it's about ALL of us. I cried at least 5 times and spent much of the movie shaking my head in disbelief. It's riveting stuff. Go see it. Go! Go! Go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really liked the movie — it's Moore's best after FAHRENHEIT.

I would really like to view current polls of how satisfied each citizenry of Canada, Britain, France, Cuba and the United States are with their health care.

I would also like to compare tax tables from each country.

I think you'd have to be exceptionally rich or unchangeably, perfectly healthy not to favor more government guarantees for health.

Or deluded. Millions of poor, uneducated Americans believe the American Dream of wealth and prosperity is going to pay off for them any day now.