
June 27, 2007

Very Sad News

This was just sent to me from my good friend, Billy Masters of

IN a sad story, we ask all readers to pray for opera legend Beverly Sills. Two weeks ago, Sills had a routine check-up and was diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer and given about a month to live. Amazingly, this woman went home and calmly started getting things in order for her children, along with taking care of other personal affairs. All the while, she told virtually no one of her diagnosis and prognosis.

That all changed a week ago, when she fell and broke two ribs. Hospitalized and in excruciating pain, doctors discovered that the cancer had spread to her thyroid, lymphnodes and lungs - as expected. From her hospital, she is still fighting, trying to make provisions for her daughter Muffy who lives with her, and battle some step-kids who are already sniffing around the estate.

A horrible kind of situation to bring you as an exclusive, but there you go. We'll keep you posted.

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