
June 11, 2007


This is a response to some of the comments I've gotten lately:

To Bret: Yes, James Lyons was a great guy and yes he worked on great films. And no, I didn't buy the underwear I licked. They aren't boxer briefs and I only wear boxer briefs and the pic was taken at Ross not Wal-mart. And I didn't technically lick them but the model on the box is quite lickable. And thank you for the comment about weight loss being 10% exercise and 90% diet. I suspect based on my own experience that you are probably right.

To Cheryl: You can slap Caryn's ass anytime. She's looking forward to it. And yes, forgo the tattoo and come see me instead. And I love the pics Damon took. He's a great photographer.

To Marz: You made me laugh out loud with your helmet comment.

To Michelle: Del Taco really is the best; you must find one! And I read your blog everyday, it's true. Congrats on the move and I hope you're insomnia clears up. I love following your life even though I don't leave too many comments on your blog!

To Carolyn: Thank you for putting the video I made on your blog. Does that means it's been accepted by all interested parties?

To Brett: I liked the 40 year Old Virgin but I thought it was an hour too long. I don't remember anything homophobic in it. In fact, I don't recall any gay references at all. But I respect blatant homophobia, I find it refreshingly honest. I'm more annoyed by gay-positive-pandering in movies like The Birdcage. I made a little video about homophobia about a month or so ago.

Click here to view my video about homophobia.

Happy Monday everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I watched your video about homophobia.

But I'm not GLAAD calling for a TV spot to be pulled or DVDs of 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN to be pulled from store shelves.

I'm just a gay man who urges anyone who saw 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN to reject their notion that gayness = disgusting, unmanly weakness.

That view is repeatedly enforced by the men in that film. Any man who exhibits "femininity" or homosexuality isn't a "true man" and therefore unwelcome in their club.

In fact, constantly belittling gay sex and reassuring each other of their heterosexuality is the only way they're allowed to remain friends.

The gay bashing doesn't ruin 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN overall; it's the only aspect I don't like.

But I do reject the homophobia because it expects me to view myself as unmanly and unworthy.

I would have to rewatch 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN to name the gay slurs. It was anytime they treated homosexuality as inferior, weak or intolerable.

FYI I didn't take offense at the series of "Do You Know How I Know You're Gay" joke or the stereotypes they reinforce.

It's when people treat those stereotpyes as BAD things that I lose respect.