
June 05, 2007

I'm Pregnant...

...with anticipation. It's free popcorn Tuesday and I'm off to see Knocked Up. I wouldn't usually see a movie like this but I'm intrigued by the overwhelming critical response and I also quite enjoyed The 40 Year Old Virgin. So between the hours of 2 and 4 PM, picture me sitting in a movie theater in Oceanside, surrounded by hot Marines, eating popcorn, cause that's exactly where I'll be. Sometimes I think about other people and try to imagine what they're doing at the exact moment I'm thinking of them. Sometimes I think of icons like Spielberg and I think to myself, "I know for sure that Spielberg stood over a toilet today and relieved himself." In fact, every single person on the planet today has probably urinated. That's a whole lotta pee. Urination is the great common denominator; it's one activity we all share. We all pee. It's the fabric that connects us. The yellow fabric.

...and another thing, while Googling for pics about pregnancy I stumbled upon this image of a pregnant girl on her way to the prom. I wonder what Tim Gunn and Heidi Klum would say.

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