
September 07, 2006

The Wicker Man vs Casino Royale

Bad News: The Wicker Man

I saw the worst movie of the year last night in NYC at my favorite movie theatre in the world, the AMC Empire 25. The Wicker Man is so boring that I almost can't muster energy to write about it. It's truly horrible and truly boring. I wanted to leave after 15 minutes but I stayed because I heard the last two minutes are super-ridiculous and good news, they were! It was almost worth the wait. Ellen Burstyn appears in split-color face make-up like the kind guys wear to football games.

And Nicholas Cage beats up a bull-dyke and steals her bear costume. If the whole movie had been this absurd it might have been worth it but you have to wait through a lot of boring film to get to the campy stuff in the last 10 minutes. Not worth the wait.

On a side note: James Franco appears in the epilogue and I am now officially worried because Franco starred in the worst movie I saw LAST year, Annapolis. Does he need a new agent?

Good News: The Casino Royale Trailer

OH - MY - GOD! I watched the Casino Royale (James Bond) trailer online last night and all I can say is OH - MY - GOD! Did I mention I watched it about 8 times.

You can see it, too, at:

It's so beautiful and elegant and mysterious and action-packed and sexy. I am now officially crazy for this movie. That makes three films I can not wait to see this fall: Borat, Casino Royale, and The Prestige. I know nothing about The Prestige but it's directed by Christopher Nolan who did Batman Begins which I find to be endlessly entertaining.

It's been a bad summer for movies. Theatres are packed with movies I have less than zero interest in seeing but hopefully that's all about to change as we move into fall.

1 comment:

carolyn said...

They remade Wicker Man?? The original is a classically good in the most bizarre way, I just can't believe someone would even try to redo that.