
September 13, 2006

Innovation and Insanity

Heidi Klum wins the award for best qoute of the week:

"There's a fine line between innovation and insanity."

Oh Heidi, if only you had told me this before I started putting porn stars in plays.

Oh well, the point is, I have fallen in love with Heidi Klum and Project Runway. I am riveted by every scene, every "character", every gown. How I love seeing gay men on television who don't feel the need to be charming. Project Runway is everything Queer Eye never was. The gays on Queer Eye are artificially-upbeat-one-dimensional-caricatures begging to be loved. The human beings on Project Runway are exactly that: human!

They are serious, funny, bitchy, smart, delusional, cutthroat, creative and human. And Nina Garcia and Heidi Klum are two women I wish I were friends with and if you know anything about me you know there aren't many people I want to be friends with, especially celebrities, but Klum and Garcia are sexy, witty, intelligent, sophisticated and yet oddly down-to-earth. As they watch the runway show each week they seem genuinely intrigued and excited. And Michael Kors and Tim Gunn couldn't be queenier but yet they also come off as completely sincere and intelligent.

How I love this show! I'm personally rooting for Michael Knight but I'm most consistently impressed by the clothing of Laura Bennett. I love her clean, elegant lines and and her "construction", as they on the show, is completely flawless.

I've just moved seasons 1 and 2 to the top of my Netflix and I can not wait to watch every second.

Bravo, Bravo!


carolyn said...

I know, it's funny how really intriguing it is! I started watching it in Paris and now I can't wait to find time to watch the new ones. I just saw the mommy & me episode and I can't wait to see Angela knocked off, it's gotta happen any day now. But I'm glad Vincent finally came through. Jeffrey was so hot telling off Angela's whiny mom although that dress was pretty ugly. I also love Angela's stuff, but I think the judges don't see it as very creative.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ronnie,

I'm curious why you wish Heidi Klum had told you "There's a fine line between innovation and insanity" "before putting porn stars in plays."

In what ways have you felt insane for putting porn stars in plays?

Anonymous said...