
September 14, 2006

Goodbye, Ann Richards.

"Poor George, he can't help it...He was born with a silver foot in his mouth." Ann Richards

I'm gonna miss you. Each time I saw you on TV you inspired me, made me laugh and made me think. You were calling George W. Bush a moron before it was fashionable. You knew the truth looong before the rest of the world figured it out. I fear we may not see the likes of you ever again in politics. I trusted you, I believed what you said and you always struck me as the real deal; a genuinely good, intelligent, smart, funny and candid politician. Thank you for all you gave.

And why in the hell are all the true originals dying this month. First Steve Irwin and now, you. Something isn't right.

To read all about the crazy and fabulous life of Ann Richards, click here.

1 comment:

Jay Larsen said...

She was great. She got drug treatment programs going in all the state prisons in Texas. Of course later govenors got rid of those programs in favor of executing more minors and retarded people.
But Anne was great.