
January 10, 2007

Dreamgirls (part 1)

I saw Dreamgirls. I couldn't have been more excited to see it. I was deeply disappointed with almost everything in the movie but I'm gonna see it again. Maybe now if I go in with no expectatation I'll really enjoy it. And let me be clear, I do not think Dreamgirls was bad at all. But I wanted it to be great. I thought it was completely ho-hum.

And I love musicals.
I loved Chicago.
I really like Bill Condon.
I like Beyonce.
I like Miss Hudson.
I think Jamie foxx is very talented.
Blah, blah, blah.

But for me, the movie was an incredible disappointment. Maybe I'll discuss it in the future but it's so hard to discuss a movie in which every moment is disappointing. Name a moment and yes, it disappointed me. After I saw Chicago on the big screen I remember thinking, "Wow!" After Dreamgirls I was like, ugh". Not ugh like that sucked but "ugh" like, "that could have and should have been soooooooooooooo much better."

I'll probably be specific at some point but in the meantime watch Jennifer Holliday if you want to see PERFECTION! This blows me away every time I see it. And I've seen it many, many, many times and every time I watch I am literally blown away by it's power. Compare this to jennifer Hudsons fine version and there in lies the problem. Jennifer Holliday is nirvana and Jennifer Hudson is just fine but I didn't want Dreamgirls the movie to be fine, I wanted it to blow me away. Oh well. Thank God for you Tube!

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