
January 10, 2007

Coffy, Foxy Brown and Mae West

Oh man, oh man. How could I have missed these films??? I've been assaulted all week by strong, witty, sexually aggressive women thanks to Ted Turner and his classic movie channel.

First up, Pam Grier in Coffy. I wish I had seen this in a crowded movie theater and not at home. I've always heard about these films but I'd never seen one and suddenly I'm now, officially, a huge Pam Grier fan after having seen Coffy! So much bloodshed, so much titty, so much racism and feminism all rolled into one joyous, blaxploitation epic!

Coffy and Foxy Brown are two of the most insanely, entertaining movies I have ever seen. Ever! Please, Hollywood, do NOT remake these movies unless Beyonce agrees to show her tits at least 12 times.

And then I watched She Done Him Wrong with Mae West...too funny...such an interesting person-actress-icon. I've seen Mae West impersonations but I'd never really seen the real thing. She's so fascinating to watch. I'm not sure what the plot was, something about double-crossing and Russians...I lost interest when West was off-screen but when she was on, I was riveted. I wish there were more actors that fascinated me. So many actors today are just plain boring. I recently saw Sandra Bullock on Charlie Rose, and although I like her, she really had very little to say. She was just plugging her latest film. I want to see Mae West on Charlie Rose! Now that would be worth watching.

I've just ordered Myra Beckinridge from Netflix. Can't wait. I hear it's fabulously horrible! The year is off to a great start thanks to Pam and Mae!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh my god, Foxy Brown is one of my favorites ever! I had such a crush on Pam Grier after seeing this, I'm glad you liked it.