
January 10, 2007


I'm not convinced this movie is as great or as important as it pretends to be but having said that, I was completely involved until it was over. But the movie hasn't stayed with me. It hasn't haunted me. The more I think about it the thinner it feels.

Three really interesting things happened for me during the film:

1. About 20 minutes in I was overwhelmed with a feeling of gratitude that the filmmaker had made this movie and that I was alive and able to watch it.

2. I was incredibly impressed with the gunshot on the bus. I would say it was the most realistic gunshot I'd ever seen on film.

3. At the last moment of the film, as I knew the credits were about to roll, I was hit by a sense of disappointment. Disappointed because I liked the film so much and I just wanted more. I wanted it's effect to be stronger. I really liked the film. Did I mention that?

I wanted to care more but I couldn't get past the filmmaker. I was so aware of his presence as a writer. I felt him straining to make an important point about something global and to show us how smart he was to balance all these balls about guns and children and language...but the profundity never happened for me. However, I really really, really liked the film...but ultimately I was disappointed. Am I babbling?

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