
August 11, 2006

Stupid Thoughts

I love my pet snail...I nick-named him AOL! I bought a pet snail for my aquarium and he/she/it is incredibly entertaining...I go in the room and he's on one side of the glass...then I go back 5 minutes later and he's on the other side. He gets around really fast. Why do I think he's a boy. Am I sexist?

I just answered 40 e-mails. I LOVE seeing an empty e-mail box. The trouble is it never stays empty and then I procrastinate answering and they pile up! Oy vey! I want to learn how to respond right away even if my response is simply,"i don't have to time to respond properly right now but i will as soon as I have some time." I think that would be so much better than letteing them pile-up and getting overwhelmed.

I bought three ice cream cones today at The Grove for me and two friends and the total was 15.83! Is that insane? You can get ice cream cones at McDonalds for 49 cents. I could have bought 30 ice cream cones at McDonalds and given them to strangers. That would have been a better use of money! Maybe I'll do that an videotape it.

Here is a moral dilemma: If you see something on the web that you like by someone you don't like should you compliment them even if you don't like them and they don't like you. I want to tell this person I like something I saw that they did but I don't want them to think I like them. I just admired the work! LOL What should I do? Any suggestions?

I always feel good after I blog. I feel like I accomplished something. And I love it whem my friends blog everyday. So why don't I make time to blog everyday? Blogging is like purging to me or douching. It gets "it" out of my body! When I don't blog I start to feel clogged.

Some things are better left un-Googled. I recently Googled one thing but ended up two hours later reading all about something else. That something else was Kevin Smith attacking all of his critics and trying to convince anonymous posters on that his movie is not a box-office flop. He is such a fighter. It was fascinating reading, like looking at a train wreck but it was also depressing. I felt dirty after reading it. I don't care about Clerks 2 on any level but I got sucked into reading this thread because it was filled with drama but afterwards I felt dirty. I don't think I've seen a Kevin Smith film since Clerks 1. I admire his bite but I also in a way feel sorry for him. Kevin, who cares what anonymous posters on the web write about you? Don't you have a baby to raise?

Last year I blogged that the best place to be in December was in a movie theater. Theaters were filled with great movies. Flash-forward 6 months. I stare at the movie listings and try to convince myself to see Monster House or John Tucker Must Die but I can't. These movies that are out right now are sooo uninteresting. I love going to movies but there is nothing i want to see. I will probably go see Miami Vice again just cause there's nothing else I want to see. I can't wait for Borat. Sascha Baron Cohen is a genius, a modern day Chaplin. I will probably go see Talladageh Nights just to see him but that's another movie that really doesn't interest me. Did I spell Talladageh, correctly?

Everytime i walk into a buffet I get so excited. I'm filled with hope and excitement thinking about all that food I'm gonna eat. Then I eat one plate and I'm full and I feel disgusting. i do not pig-out at buffets. I really don't. But I never walk out happy. I always feel stuffed and bloated. It's a gross way to eat and I always regret it afterwards. But yet, I keep going back. I have swornn never to return to Hometown Buffet. I hope I can stick to that!

I kid you not, it took me 8 hours but I fixed my own plumbing and now it works flawlessly. I won't go into the details cause, frankly, it was a looooong process and I made lots of mistakes and wasted lots of time but now I have great water pressure and my garbage disposal works again! Happy day!

I stay up with pop-culture. I know your names. But I can not name ONE song that either of you has recorded. Are you guys really famous singers or do you just have cool names that get in the papers alot?

And those are my stupid thoughts for the day. Have a good Friday!


Jay Larsen said...

I have a dilema. I like you but I don't want you to think that I like your plumbing just because I compliment your movie reviews. So what should I do? ;-)
--Perplexed in Seattle (well actually north of Seattle, but still in the Puget Sound Region)

Anonymous said...

you havbe better plumbing than me! you always have! life isn't fair!