
August 12, 2006

9/11 Box Office

What do these numbers mean? How does a movie with no advance buzz (Step Up) make more money than a movie about the most important global event in the last 5 years (World Trade Center)? I really don't understand. I saw World Trade Center on Friday and I admit, I wasn't excited to see it , but I feel it's my duty to watch these stories. The movie is brutal and often hard to watch but these are real modern-day heroes. Superman grossed 180 million dollars. Why are we more interested in stories about fake heroes than stories about real ones? I'm not complaining, I'm asking. It's a mystery to me.
Teen girls surprised the industry on Friday powering the dance drama Step Up into the number one spot with an estimated $8.6M in its first day of release. Step Up could collect $21-23M far exceeding expectations.

Paramount's 9/11 drama World Trade Center, debuted with an estimated $6M on Friday in its third day in theaters.

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