
July 25, 2008


Saw it at midnight last night. It's not much of anything. Not bad like The Happening, just sort of empty and not very involving. Not scary, not suspenseful, not interesting. Very bland. I loved the last X-Files movie, saw it a couple of times. I've never really watched the tv show, I hate fiction on tv, but I really enjoyed the the first X Files film but lightening is not striking twice this weekend. Save your money. Go see The Dark Knight or Wall E.

PS My audience were soooooo well-behaved. I finally felt like I was seeing a film with a roomful of mature adults. Nice! Please people, turn off your mother-fucking phones during the movie. Checking your phone during a movie or texting is a criminal offense in my book!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought the movie was sort of interesting, even though it explored overdone issues of faith.

What I found hardest to believe, however, was how Moulder and Scully would take turns trying to convince each other to quit the case in every scene.

Either you believe in working on the case or not! They can't keep alternating their positions just to give the characters something to talk about.