
July 25, 2008

Don't Tell My Who I Am

I had my first blow-up with a very good friend yesterday. Been friends for years. Never had a fight. He loves to denigrate me and I laugh it off. Our relationship is mostly phone and lately I just haven't had time or interest in carryng on relationships via phone so if you don't live in Oceanside chances are we haven't talked much lately. So I start telling my friend about my day and he starts telling me what I want and who I am. He's done this many times before and I've let it slide but I wasn't having it yesterday so I said, "Do NOT tell me who I am." He kept trying to interrupt me but I just got louder, "Do not tell me who I am. We haven't been in a room together in over a year. Do not tell me who I am."

I read a great quote recently, "Your opinion of me is none of my business."

Don't let other people define you! Define yourself. That's my advice for the day. Just cause someone tells you're sexy doesn't mean you are. Likewise, if someone tells you you're ugly, that ain't true either. Define yourself. Don't let others tell you who you are.

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