
November 13, 2005

I am a HIPPO

I saw a Discovery Channel show on hippos last night, and I have decided that I am a hippo. Hippos are very fat. They love the water. They are very social but guarded. When people see hippos, they are intrigued and charmed and want to get closer. But be warned: Hippos will turn on you and eat you for lunch.

I am a hippo. I am not proud of my hippo-ness, but Arthur Miller said it best when he wrote, "Part of knowing who we are is knowing we are not someone else." And part of the aging process for me has been about figuring out who I am and who I am not. Finding out who I am has been exciting and painful and freeing, and I struggle every day with wanting to be a different animal. Dogs are nice, man’s best friend. Goldfish are sweet and harmless. Giraffes are tall and probably see things in a unique and elevated way. But I am not a dog or a goldfish or a giraffe. I am hippo.

To enjoy the rest of my life in peace, I must learn to accept being a hippo and live in places where hippos belong and surround myself with people who love, admire and understand hippos. If you get close to a hippo and then find yourself disappointed that your hippo is not a puppy, who is to blame? You or the hippo? And if a tough independent hippo lives his life pretending to be a sweet charming goldfish, then that is one delusional hippo, don't you think? An honest hippo is the best hippo. I'm looking forward to living the rest of my life as an honest and happy hippo.

Besides, hippos live much longer than goldfish.

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