
September 15, 2005

Love, Death and Jason Alexander

I'm falling in love with a woman named Tracy. She is one of the genuises who works at the genuis bar at the Grove. She is soooo great and smart and can fix any problem. I hope they pay her alot. She radiates intelligence and she's very beautiful. if i were straight i would certainly have the hots for her.

i love the Grove. it is my favrite place in LA. See a movie, eat, go to the Apple Store, buy a computer.

Today i stood by the pond and talked to Adam Beckworth about the death of our dear friend Robert Young. We are both devastated by his death. We cried and cried and cried... i was crying jason Alexander walked by and strolled into crate and barrel. Such an LA experience. He was a with a very elegant woman all in white who looked like an assistant. He strolled two feet in front of her. It seemed clear they were not equals. I actually met a guy on the internet who supposedly writes for that Jason Alexander sitcom..not sure if its still on the air...i met him and went to his house and blew him...he said "we know the show isn't good but oh well the craft services is amazing. They feed us well and everyone on the show is very nice." i asked him if he thought Jason Alexander thought it was a bad show. i don't remember his response. i remember now i also worked with an actress once who was a personal assistant to jason Alexander...she said it was the most anal retentive house she had ever seen...everything was labeled and catalogued and inventoried. So they always knew how many light builbs were in the house and etc etc etc. i seem obsessed with Jason Alexander, today.

i rarely see celebrities in LA. here are my sightings i recall...

Tyne Daly at Bed Bath and Beyond buying towels
Mark McGrath at Marmalade Cafe
Billy Crystal at the 3rd street promenade
Geena Davis at the opening day of Gladitor at the CineramaDome
Quentin Tarantino walking down the street holding a notepad
Quentin Tarantino at a press screening for Get Shorty
Quentin Tarantino at the premiere of Pecker
Judith Light after a performance of my play Making porn (what she was doing there I will never know)

Actually recently in DC a very conservative reporter for Fox news Channel came to see 10 Naked Men...i recognized him right away but no one else did. He came with a woman. They acted like they were a couple. Somehow i doubt they were. LOL
I'm thinking of alot more celebrities i've run into now...alot actually now that i think about it... but i'm too tired to write more.


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