
September 16, 2005

Fashion Trance Cures Cancer

Well it was a fascinating night with the mom has been struggling with cancer for many many years now. On and off with the chemo for literally years. I was raised in Bakersfield, California and that's where my parents still live. So I'm up visiting my parents tonight and my mom confesses that her new favorite TV show is Fashion Trance.

Has anyone besides my mother heard of this show???? It's on the style network.

It's literally JUST fashion shows unedited with little comments on the screen like, "fans of this designer include, Nicole Kidman. Cameron Diaz. Tom Cruise." The clothes are of course ridiculous but my mom loves it. She's fascinated by how the models walk.

"They cross their feet over each other wen they walk. How do they do that?"

So my dad goes to bed and we watch it. We are now officially both in a fashion trance!!

Me: Mom, I don't get it, why do you like this show?

Mom: It's just very entertaining.

Me: But why?

Mom: I don't know, i just like it. (pause) Look how skinny she is. (pause) Why don't they smile? (pause) You know they didn't always use to cover the nipples. They just started doing that.

Me: What nipples?

(Thank god for Tivo. My mom rewinds the show and yep, you can see the nipples thru the fabrics. No bras.)

Mom: Sometimes they blur them and sometimes they don't.

We sit. We watch. We remain in a fashion trance. The show ends. Bedtime. My mother sleeps in a lazyboy/recliner. I stand up go to hug her. You have to be gentle. She shows me a lump on her head that decreased recently thru chemotherapy. I give her a kiss. She tells me she loves me. I tell her I love her. I retire to the bedroom. Close the door. Open my laptop. Log on to the internet and read that..."

"Renee Zellwegger is anulling her marriage to Country singer Kenny Chesney after only four months. The reason she claims is fraud."

Fraud??? Fraud!?!?!?! What the fuck? I'm shaken from my fashion trance and dying to know more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fraud?? you mean like kenny chesney isn't a man? whoa... you must fill me in, you know you are my only source of entertainment news. i'm having a hard time picturing your mom talk about fashion model nipples.