After 6 long months we have turned a huge corner! The site speed problem is now officially solved. (We hope!!!) I could write a novel on what I've gone through trying to solve this and all the tech people I've gone through and the money I've wasted but it's all in the past!
After 6 long months USA is officially a very fast site. AND if it slows down again we have back-up options A, B and C to solve it right away. I've been on the site non-stop for 24 hours and it hasn't slowed down once. Everything runs super fast!
The site is going to be completely open and unrestricted at least through Monday. So, go test it, play around. We want to see if it slows down as more people log on so, please go, the more the merrier.
One thing, the videos are not currently playing. We moved to a new server and they are still processing. Sorry. But they should be up and running by Monday.
I found an amazing tech guy, an American living in China and he's a true genius. He's not cheap though. This recent move has cost about 1,500 dollars and so far only half has been paid. Money raised from Saturday nights party is going to directly to our tech guy so please come out Saturday and support the site. It's really important. And if you've ever thought of joining the site or contributing money THIS would be the week to do it.
And to those of you have joined, have contributed, and have come to parties. You are to be thanked. Without you we could NEVER have gotten this solved!
So that's the news. If the site isn't fast for you or you have problems, please let me know.
And please accept my sincere apology for not getting this solved sooner. No one knew what the problem was until I met this guy. He knew right away and gave me a huge list. We still aren't done but we are on our way. Our tech is a true genius and can fix anything so after the migration is complete I'm having him work on other problems. I'm very excited about this guy.
Have fun on the site this weekend.
Now that this problem is solved we can move on to some new exciting chapters!
The future is bright.
Sally, Ronnie, Blair and AlwaysADiva
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