
December 02, 2009

Shopping Day

I wonder what the checkout lady thinks when the only thing I'm buying
at Walmart is lube, enemas and condoms? I bought a 12 pack of Diet
Coke just to distract her. I'm seeing a new guy down here in Mexico
and he's huge and hates condoms. He's 23. SO YOUNG! Too young? He
wanted to know if I would ever consider not using condoms and I said
no. I've barebacked with two different guys in the last 25 years and
both were guys I had been seeing for a very looooong time and even
then I regretted it. It's a moral issue for me somehow. I think about
all these heterosexual couples barebacking and meanwhile the man is
off fucking around. I wonder if Tiger used protection? I think
monogamy is a failed concept and one should always assume the worst
and have the safest sex possible. I've been terrified of AIDS since I
was 17 and I think my fear has kept me from contracting it. But lots
of people today don't fear it and I find that...disturbing. I had a
guy online last week tell me he was negative and ask if I bareback???
WTF? Negative and barebacking do not belong in the same sentence! Use
your condoms, people. Even if the lady at Wal-mart looks at you funny.
And all you married couples, you may think you're in a monogamous
relationship but statistics are not on your side. Be careful.

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