
April 28, 2008

Time Heals Everything

The single worst theatrical experience of my entire life was my play,
Sleeping With Straight Men, off-Broadway. A total nightmare from day
one. Thankfully, I barely remember the names of most of the people
involved in that fiasco but I do remember the name of the producer,
Jared Scott. Jared was involved in three of my shows in SF before we
headed to NYC together! We had a flawless relationship before NYC but
after arriving in New York, everything went south in a big way! We
reconciled a few years after and last Sunday we had a lovely two hour
conversation. The past is the past and I think we're both able to look
back now and laugh, a little. My only good memory of the entire
production was going to see Final Destination 2, with my friend
Joseph, while the cast were performing on "opening night". I heard the
opening night party was fun but you couldn't have paid me to go!

Anyway, Jared and I are friends again and Jerry Herman was right: Time
Heals Everything.

I'm sending this from my phone, that's why my response is so brief.


Michelle said...

Yay for perspective! I'm not as witty as you Ronnie, and I can't think of cool comments to leave you. How is JewRad?

Anonymous said...

I would love to know details of what went wrong ...